Insights | Business

What you can learn from our new website project

12 July 2024

Building a new website? Here's our top tips!

Revamping the D&F website was a labour of love, and one that we took our time over. It was a project that offered numerous learning opportunities for the whole team, many of which we will pass on to our lovely clients. From selecting the right CMS, to showcasing your brand’s personality, here are five key takeaways from our recent website project that can help guide your own journey.

Don’t be afraid to use a different CMS

When it comes to choosing a Content Management System (CMS), it’s essential to consider all your options and not be afraid to switch things up. We decided to move to Wagtail, an open-source CMS built on Django. This shift allowed us to have more flexibility and control over our content. Wagtail’s user-friendly interface and powerful features made content management more efficient. Don’t stick to a CMS just because it’s familiar; explore alternatives that better fit your evolving needs.

Let the brand style frame the content

In web design, less is often more. However, it’s crucial to use your brand’s unique style to make your content stand out. Our redesign focused on a minimalist approach, letting our brand’s colours, typography, and imagery take centre stage. This not only enhanced the visual appeal but also ensured that our brand’s identity was clearly communicated. Remember, your website should be an extension of your brand, reflecting its values and aesthetics.

Spend time on the hierarchy of content

One of the most critical aspects of web design is the hierarchy of content. Users want to find information quickly and easily. We spent considerable time thinking about how we wanted to organise our content, now and as we grow, to ensure intuitive navigation. A well-thought-out content hierarchy improves user experience, making it easier for visitors to find what they’re looking for no matter what business you're in.

Show the personality of your business, team, and brand

Your website should reflect the personality of your business and the people behind it. We made a conscious effort to showcase our team and company culture and we have plans to include more, like team bios, more behind-the-scenes photos, and quotes from the team on projects. The brand draws them in, but it’s the people and the authenticity that keep them engaged and coming back. We’re all human here, let’s be real.

‘Showing your true self helps build trust and connection with your audience.’

Katie Lawrence,

Marketing Director

The launch is just the start

Launching a website is a significant milestone, but it’s not the end of the journey. Websites are never truly finished; there’s always room for improvement and evolution. We approached our launch with a mindset of continuous development. Post-launch, we will gather user feedback, monitor performance, and start planning for future enhancements. We already have a wish list for the next phase, and regular updates and iterations will keep your website relevant and effective.

Plan for greatness

Rebuilding and relaunching a website is a complex process that requires careful planning and execution. By embracing a new CMS, letting your brand style guide your design, focusing on content hierarchy, showcasing your business’s personality, and viewing the launch as the beginning, you can create a website that not only looks great, but also serves your audience effectively. Use these insights to inform your next web project and watch your online presence thrive.

If you need help planning or building your new website get in touch with us!

Published by

Katie Lawerence

Marketing and Growth Director